Publication / Results
Presentations, publications (reports, papers/articles), milestones and findings from the PHUSICOS will be listed here. When appropiate and available, a link to the actual publication will be provided. The documents below have not yet received final approval from the European Commission and may be subject to changes.
- D1.5: Innovation Management Plan.pdf
- D2.1: Procedure for distribution of funds and tenders.pdf
- D2.2: Overview of submitted and approved NBSs for implementation during months 1- 14 .pdf
- D2.3: Overview of submitted and approved NBSs for implementation during months 15-24 .pdf
- D2.4: Nature-based solutions implemented in PHUSICOS .pdf
- D3.1: Guiding framework to tailored Living Lab's establishment at concept and demonstrator case study sites.pdf
- D3.2: Starter Toolbox for Stakeholder knowledge mapping to co-design NBS solutions at case study sites .pdf
- D3.3: Monitoring & Evaluation scheme to assess stakeholder participation and user satisfaction with Living Labs experience, version 1.pdf
- D3.4: Monitoring & Evaluation scheme to assess stakeholder participation and user satisfaction with Living Labs experience, version 2.pdf
- D3.5: Report on lessons learned with Living Labs experience and lesson learned, draft .pdf
- D3.6: Monitoring & Evaluation scheme to assess stakeholder participation and user satisfaction with Living Labs experience, version 3pdf
- D3.7: Report on lessons learned with Living Labs experience and lesson learned .pdf
- D4.1: Comprehensive Framework for NBS assessment .pdf
- D4.2: Evaluation of ecosystems and ecosystem services for alternative landscape scenarios with plan designs, draft .pdf
- D4.3: Integrated digital shared database/platform for monitoring and early warning .pdf
D4.4: Modelling changing pattern of hazard and risk and identifying the return period of the extreme events that the NBSs could safely withstand.pdf - D4.5: Evaluation of ecosystems and ecosystem services for alternative landscape scenarios with plan designs.pdf
- D4.6: Analysis report on the residual risk, comparing NBSs, grey solutions and other risk reduction measures .pdf
- D4.7: Long term monitoring plans to document effectiveness of `NBS .pdf
- D5.1: NBS in-depth case study analysis of the characteristics of successful governance models; accompanied by a Policy Brief pdf
- D5.2: Opportunities and barriers to NBS at the EU, national, regional and local scales, with suggested reforms and innovations .pdf (link will be made available after results are formally published)
- D5.3: Governance innovations for the design, financing and implementation of NBS, and their applications to the concept and demonstration projects; accompanied by a Policy Brief .pdf
- D5.4: Learning from NBS implementation barriers .pdf
- D6.1: Training programme on costs and risks of NBSs – webinar with training material .pdf
- D6.2: Training video for local contractors .pdf
- D6.3: The PHUSICOS game – A Complex Social-Ecological Simulation on NBS, with facilitation instructions and materials .pdf
- D6.4: Technical training for private companies and public authorities for NBS implementation .pdf
- D7.1: Web-based tool – module 1 (Inventory of NBSs) .pdf
- D7.2: Web-based tool – module 2 (Existing web-based platforms) .pdf
- D7.3: Web-based tool – module 3 (Design).pdf
- D7.4: Web-based tool – module 4 (Longterm support) .pdf
- D8.1: Website .pdf
- D8.2: Dissemination and Communication Plan, version 1.pdf
- D8.3: Slideshow to promote sustainable NBSs .pdf
- D8.4: Dissemination and Communication Plan, version 2.pdf
- D8.5: Dissemination and Communication Plan, version 3.pdf
- D8.6: Exploitation Plan .pdf
- D8.8: NBS Strategy Testament .pdf
- A Methodological Approach to Assess Nature-Based Solutions’ Effectiveness in Flood Hazard Reduction: The Case Study of Gudbrandsdalen Valley. Environmental Sciences Proceedings
- Assessment of NBSs effectiveness for flood risk management: The Isar River case study. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society
- Bottlenecks for the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive principles and instruments – governance, planning processes and institutional obstacles. Water alternatives
- Editorial to Special Issue: Nature-Based Solutions—Concept, Evaluation, and Governance. Sustainability
- Effects of recreational users on restored floodplain vegetation in urban areas - The case of the Isar River Restoration in Munichure-Based Solutions—Concept, Evaluation, and Governance. Sustainability
- Nature-Based Solutions—Concept, Evaluation, and Governance. Sustainability
- Stakeholder perceptions of Nature-Based solutions and their collaborative co-design and implementation processes in rural mountain areas – A case study from PHUSICOS. Frontiers in Environmental Science
- Designing A Resilient Waterscape Using A Living Lab and Catalyzing Polycentric Governance. Landscape Architecture Frontiers 2019, 7(3), 12-31.
- Governance models for nature-based solutions: Seventeen cases from Germany. Ambio 2020.
- Stakeholder Mapping to Co-Create Nature-Based Solutions: Who Is on Board? Sustainability 2020, 12(20), 8625.
- Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) Application for Hydro-Environment Enhancement. A Case Study of the Isar River (DE). Environmental Sciences Proceedings 2020, 2(30), 9.
- Living Labs – A Concept for Co-Designing Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 188.
- Innovation in NBS co-design and implementation. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 986.
- Platform Dedicated to Nature-Based Solutions for Risk Reduction and Environmental Issues in Hilly and Mountainous Lands. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 1094.
- Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Rural Landscapes: Barriers Experienced in the PHUSICOS Project. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 1461.
- A Battery of Soil and Plant Indicators of NBS Environmental Performance in the Context of Global Change. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 1913.
- Catalyzing Innovation: Governance Enablers of Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 1971.
- Human-River-encounter sites in cities: the case of the urban river restoration. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 2864.
* Scientific publications with PHUSICOS partners as first authors
- PHUSICOS NBS podcast series –
- PHUSICOS NBS simulation – introductory webinar 22 October 2021 –
- Testing mixtures to stabilize alpine slopes and reduce erosion in Kaunertal Valley –
- “Nature-Based Solutions: Balancing risk and societal benefits” at the “URF 2020” –
- The Isar Restoration in Munich – A participatory climate change adaptation measure
- PHUSICOS slideshow (PREZI presentation) prepared in connection with D8.3 –
- PHUSICOS Summer School 2020
– Santa Elena & Artouste case study –
– Forêt de Capet case study –
– What is PHUSICOS? A presentation by the OPCC – CTP – - PHUSICOS Videos from Pyrenees sites
– Living Lab in Erill la Vall, subtitled in English:
– Snow avalanches at Capet Forest, subtitled in English:
– Rockfall at Artouste, subtitled in English:
– Unstable till slope at Santa Elena, subtitled in English:
- BRGM-PHUSICOS action database webpage;
(click “Register a new account” the first time you enter, and then register selected username and password)
- PhusicosVR:
(For keyboard navigation: Use keys A W S D to move around. To change the look direction, hold down right mouse button and move the mouse. To make selections, point and click left mouse button.)
The PHUSICOS NBS Simulation (Serious Games)
- To play you need to register for login credentials as a game moderator.
This are available by taking contact with - Using the credentials provided log into
- Governance innovation through nature-based solutions policy brief.pdf
- Policy Business Forum 24th March 2020 workshop summary.pdf
- Policy Business Forum 19th April 2021 – synthesis of the second workshop.pdf
- Policy Business Forum 18th November 2022 – synthesis of the third workshop.pdf
- Policy and finance innovation for nature-based solutions policy brief
- Tackling policy barriers to nature-based solutions policy brief